Friday, June 11, 2010

Variegated Lacecap Hydrangea

Is there any plant in a shade garden with a more romantic appearance than the periwinkle-toned Lacecap Hydrangea? I have mine paired with the contrasting lacy Sambucus and low-growing Helleborus.

Though you cannot see it in this picture, this plant was variegated when I planted it. I planted three identical variegated Lacecap's together. Some of the variegation remains at the base of one of the plants, but these plants have otherwise reverted back to their stronger straight species. They were so weak and spindly the first four years in the garden that, last year, I desperately planted several Mophead's amongst them. The Lacecap's are starting to thrive, but if you want them happier sooner, give them lots of morning sun!


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