Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Azaleas We Kept

There were so many Azaleas in that back row when we bought this house. This stand extended another 15' but became smaller and thinner the farther left you looked. We took out 25 Azaleas, but I'm pleased as punch that we kept these. They make such a lovely show in the spring.

I have fertilized them just once and deep soaked them maybe twice in 5 years. The volunteer honeysuckle and wrens call this hedge home and I thank Mrs. Kelly for planting them. I sometimes wish she would come by and walk her old property with me. I do not know if she would be pleased that I removed some of her plants; I know the toil and love that tending can take. But I think she would smile at the care we take, especially if she came in April.


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