Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Beautiful Garden is Earned

One day we are tiptoeing through the tulips. The flowers are blooming, the pests are away and the weeds are at bay. There are photo opportunities at every turn and nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the beauty. Reap the rewards. But our toil does not last forever. The beautiful gardens require at least some constant attention.

Today I woke up and found Japanese beetles on my banana tree and leaf spot on the roses. The ladybugs are helping decrease the aphid population, but the white flies on the Hostas are multiplying. We put too much nitrogen on the lawn, the newly transplanted Yoshino cherry is losing color, and the Monarda is covered with powdery mildew.

The garden enthusiast will spend hours upon hours tinkering for fun, but helping the plants fend off the pests and diseases is necessary too and does not take as much time as we anguish. One to two hours today, and once every two weeks in the growing season is all the garden requires to shine.


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