Monday, March 8, 2010

As Winter Exits: Part 1 - The Happy Face of Viola

We are starting to round that corner toward springtime! The tiny signs of new life are starting to show. The shrubs are beginning to bud with new leaf, and the bulbs have sprouted from dormancy. But there have been plants throughout the winter that have bloomed beautifully, keeping a smile on my face.

The potted purple pansies have brightened our decks and our vase arrangements this winter, and I will miss them when they are gone. Pansies come in many colors and varieties. I mainly chose the purple Viola x Wittrockiana and Viola Tricolor (aka Johnny Jump-Up) this year, and think their deep velvety shimmer is just stunning. My stepmother used to keep a couple blooms in a tiny vase on her kitchen window sill and I always thought it made such a precious sight. I commented once that I could always count on seeing pansies in her window during certain months and she told me "I love pansies. They have such happy faces." That stuck with me, and I agree that they do indeed have happy faces! I now have several small vases for my own indoor pansy enjoyment.

Pansies are annual; they do well from the beginning of October through to the end of May, but I will compost them in April to make room for summer color. I like to plant them as soon as they go on sale so they will grow and build strength before the cold temperatures come. The containers are prettiest when you dead-head them regularly, but otherwise they are very low maintenance. The rewards certainly outweigh the responsibilities.


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