Saturday, March 20, 2010

As Winter Exits: Part 2 - Fragrant Edgeworthia

This Edgeworthia papyrifera was a 6" potted plant just five short years ago. It has become one of my favorite garden plantings. Edgeworthia keeps long, light, silvery foliage well into the holiday season, until the long fuzzy buds begin to open. The blooms are large, maybe reminiscent of the size of Snowball Viburnum blooms. The blooms of Edgeworthia are light yellow, textured like velvet, and are heady with lemony fragrance. I planted this one as close to my back door as possible. Why not reap those effortless rewards?

I understand Edgeworthia chrysantha is supposed to be more winter hardy than my papyrifera variety. I do not see how another variety can out-perform my beauty, but I will plant one and see!


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