Monday, August 13, 2012

To Keep the Hornets Nest or To Not Keep the Hornets Nest?

European Hornets are not as frightening as they look.  They are less aggressive than most of their relatives.  It is popular to believe that (all) hornets will attack, sting, even kill humans, but that is just not the case with these hornets.  Naturally, they will defend their nest if approached.

Hornets primarily feed on insects, which is a great benefit.  Apparently, they can also wipe out honeybee populations, but that is not a problem on our property.

Our resident hornet's nest is being built about 40 feet up off the side of a Tulip Poplar in our back yard very near our deck.  You can see them busy working around the nest, but we never see them down where we live.  Our handy-dandy wildlife and pest expert Tad told me that they will most likely never bother us at all, but that the nest is dormant in the fall if we decide to have it removed.

I first spied this nest above our house coming down the driveway one day.  It is also easily seen from our back deck.  There is no place in the parts of the yard where we live that you cannot see it; it is highly noticeable against the dark trunks and leaves of the trees.  And it is very unattractive.  If I decide to remove it, that will probably be why, because it is an eyesore.  Does that make me shallow?  It might be interesting to dissect!

Maybe it will grow on me before autumn, or Scott may feel strongly one way or the other, but I do wish I had seen it before it had gotten so large.


1 comment:

  1. Update; this nest did not survive long. It became so large and heavy that it fell a couple weeks after my post.
