Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birds of Costa Rica

pictures from web
And then there were the super-exotic birds we saw on our only trip outside of this country.  Wow!  We spied the Resplendent Quetzal on a walking tour of the rainforest (my trip goal fulfilled).  Scott spotted the Blue-crowned Motmot in the tropical foliage in front of our hotel in Manuel Antonio and the Blue-grey Tanager from the pool.  We also saw the Orange-bellied Trogon hiking the peaks and  hanging bridges of the mountains.  We saw vibrant hummingbirds (Violet Sabrewings), Emerald Toucanet's, and Parrots living in a field of Orchids.  We saw so many exotic species of birds, plants, and mammals.  If you love nature, it's worth the trip.


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