Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Microclimate Illustration

I brought home several 2" Aloe Aristata plants from the nursery last spring, and I planted them in different locations.  I  I planted them all on the same day.  This is a neat little illustration of how micro-climates affect plant growth.

Plant #1 was planted in a little pot and left in our house.  It is 72º in our house, sometimes colder, and the plant gets indirect sunlight all day long.  It has grown over 4" in 12 months.  Rather gangly, but growing.

Plant #2 includes 3 plants in one concrete pot.  They have been living, for the most part,  in full shade, neglected, and outside throughout the winter.  They are happy plants, but you can see they are struggling for room.  The burgundy leaves are a result of extreme cold against the concrete in the winter.  They have grown approximately 1/2"-1" in 12 months.

Plant #3a is in a dry location and gets a couple hours of sun every day.  The plant itself has tripled in size, and photo #3b shows it in bloom last August (4 months after planting).
I planted them in different locations. 

Lesson learned:  This plant thrives outside, in the ground.  However, Aloe Aristata will grow any old place you feel like planting it!


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